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Cestopisy, cestovní průvodci, mapy >> India Northern, Northeastern and Central India 1994 (Nelles Guides)

India Northern, Northeastern and Central India 1994 (Nelles Guides)

India Northern, Northeastern and Central India 1994 (Nelles Guides)
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Název: India Northern, Northeastern and Central India 1994 (Nelles Guides)
Výrobce: kolektiv autorů
Cena v e-shopu: 99.00 Kč

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The writing is superb... each (Nelles) guide is delightfully comprehensive, a solid source of reliable information for the traveller... All travel guides claim to be comprehensive, but we found Nelles Guides superior". -- Arizona Senior World"(The Nelles Guides are) . . . beautifully photographed . . . the maps are better than Insights, and practical information is integrated with the text, not relegated to the end. -- National Geographic Traveller-- Quality writing, often by native writers-- Detailed sections on the history, culture, special features and festivals-- Accommodations, restaurant guides, sights to see, places to shop, how to get around Format: Paperback Language: English Release Date: January 1994 Publisher: Nelles Verlag Length: 260 Pages Very good condition

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Osobní odběr (v pobočce firmy), platba na účet předem (0 Kč)
Doporučené psaní České pošty do 2kg, platba na účet (99 Kč)
Doporučené psaní České pošty do 2kg, platba dobírkou (149 Kč)
Zásilkovna SK, platba na účet předem (109 Kč)
Balíkovna ČR, Česká pošta, platba dobírkou (99 Kč)


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