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Building an Import/Export Business

Building an Import/Export Business
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Název: Building an Import/Export Business
Výrobce: Weiss, Kenneth D.
Cena v e-shopu: 199.00 Kč

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Foreign trade is one of the most lucrative areas for any business. But whether you are a manufacturer exporting a fleet of trucks or a small entrepreneur importing a shipment of native art, the maze of regulations, the piles of documentation, and the sheer differences in international business practices can create a world of confusion. From Kenneth D. Weiss, a leading specialist in world trade, here is a highly informative guide that unravels these secrets. Explains international business--including international transactions, import/export credit and payment, international shipping and insurance, regulatory agencies, documentation and customs clearance. Weiss also covers the finer points, such as who can and should go into importing and exporting, how the company should be set up, selecting suppliers, finding customers, and choosing target markets. Published by Wiley (1987) Paperback Language English Very good condition

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Osobní odběr (v pobočce firmy), platba na účet předem (0 Kč)
Doporučené psaní České pošty do 2kg, platba na účet (99 Kč)
Doporučené psaní České pošty do 2kg, platba dobírkou (149 Kč)
Zásilkovna SK, platba na účet předem (109 Kč)
Balíkovna ČR, Česká pošta, platba dobírkou (99 Kč)


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