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Adequacy of Sample Size in Health Studies

Adequacy of Sample Size in Health Studies
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Název: Adequacy of Sample Size in Health Studies
Výrobce: Lemeshow, Stanley; Hosmer, David W.; Klar, Janelle; Lwanga, Stephen K.
Cena v e-shopu: 199.00 Kč

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Practical rather than theoretical, it provides epidemiologists and other health workers with a good basic knowledge of sampling principles and methods and their potential in the medical field. Focusing on the determination of adequate sample sizes under different situations, the book is divided into two parts; the first provides solutions to typical problems of various survey and study designs, and the second offers a clear, concise exposition of the theory behind the processes of determining sample size. Features many reference tables. This book gives solutions to typical problems and tables of minimum sample sizes, for various survey and study designs, with the corresponding formulae. It also gives the theoretical background to sample size determination covering populations, samples and their sampling distributions. Published by John Wiley & Sons Publication Date: 1990 Binding: Hardcover Book Condition: Very Good

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