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Cizojazyčná literatura >> Fluctuations of Stationary an Non-Stationary Electron Currents

Fluctuations of Stationary an Non-Stationary Electron Currents

Fluctuations of Stationary an Non-Stationary Electron Currents
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Název: Fluctuations of Stationary an Non-Stationary Electron Currents
Výrobce: C.S. Bull
Cena v e-shopu: 299.00 Kč

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A method is proposed for theoretical investigation of current fluctuations in a semiconductor close to a stationary non-equilibrium state produced by a strong electric field. Current fluctuations are studied by this method in atomic semiconductors where the interaction between the current carriers and acoustic phonons is important. It has been found that the fluctuations in the low-frequency range are proportional to the square root of the electric field. The spectral density of longitudinal (along the direction of the electric field) fluctuations of the current exhibits an appreciable dispersion (dependence on the frequency w) in the radio frequency range. The spectral density of transverse current fluctuations is not dispersive in the low frequency region. In the high-frequency region, the fluctuations are proportional to the % power of the field and inversely proportional to the square of the frequency. Publisher: Butterworths, London Publication Date: 1966 Binding: Hardcover Dust Jacket Condition: Dust Jacket Included Edition: EA. - first edition. Very good condition

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