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Blind Faith

Blind Faith
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Název: Blind Faith
Výrobce: Ben Elton
Cena v e-shopu: 99.00 Kč

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As Trafford Sewell struggles to work through the usual crowds of commuters, he is confronted by the intimidating figure of his priest, full of accusatory questions. Why has Trafford not been streaming his every moment of sexual intimacy onto the community website like everybody else? Does he think he is different or special in some way? Better than his fellow man and woman? Does he have something to hide? Imagine a world where everyone knows everything about everybody. Where what a person feels and truly believes is protected under the law, while what is rational, even provable, is condemned as heresy. A world where to question ignorance and intolerance is to commit a crime against Faith. Ben Elton is dark, savagely comic novel imagines a post-apocalyptic society where religious intolerance combines with a confessional sex obsessed, self-centric culture to create a world where nakedness is modesty, ignorance is wisdom, and privacy is a dangerous perversion. A chilling vision of what is to come, or something rather close to what we call reality? Vydáno: 2008, Black Swan Počet stran: 368 Jazyk vydání: anglický Vazba knihy: měkká / brožovaná Pěkný stav textové části, opotřebená obálka, několik nápisů na obálce a titulní straně

Možnosti dopravy a platby

Osobní odběr (v pobočce firmy), platba na účet předem (0 Kč)
Doporučené psaní České pošty do 2kg, platba na účet (99 Kč)
Doporučené psaní České pošty do 2kg, platba dobírkou (149 Kč)
Zásilkovna SK, platba na účet předem (109 Kč)
Balíkovna ČR, Česká pošta, platba dobírkou (99 Kč)


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